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I used to be able to get away with some of the most unapologetic, irresponsible, and reckless behavior that I would be hard-pressed to find in the movies. I can’t do that now.
There are a few films that I’ve seen where I could have sworn I was watching something that was actually real. The reason I’m writing this is because I’m not sure how I feel about the idea that we’re allowed to do this.
The idea is that we are all born in a state of innocence. As such, we are born with the capability of not doing things that we know are wrong. When we find ourselves in such a state we should not, and can not, do things to justify our actions. We should not lie, cheat, steal, etc. as a way to keep ourselves from getting into trouble.
I think it’s possible to live a good life without lying, cheating, stealing, etc. However, I find it a little bit strange that we are not allowed to use that power to good effect. I would have been more than happy to use my power to help a friend get into trouble, but I was told not to. This seems like a pretty extreme example of hypocrisy.
I think this is exactly the kind of thing that people who don’t like hypocrisy would like to point out. The difference is that there is a lot of hypocrisy, and the people who engage in it are a lot more extreme.
We’re supposed to be the generation that uses our power for good, so I’m not exactly sure what we are supposed to do with it. However, if the power was for bad, I guess we could use it to kill a bunch of Visionaries.
Now the visionaries are dead, and the island is no longer a repeating day but a place where people can go and just have fun, then I guess we can start the power for good. You don’t have to agree with me here, just think there is a lot of hypocrisy. We can even go back to the idea that we can use the power for good, but only if we just stop acting like hypocrites.
That’s a good point. But for the rest of us, we can just use our power for good, because it’s not about how we act, it’s about how we live. The power of the internet is to help us live our lives more authentically. If we were to just use that power for evil, it’s just like someone taking an old car and reprogramming it to run on electric power.
Although we can use our power for good, we can also use it for evil. Sometimes the best thing we can do is to just stay away from it all.
As I type this, my phone is on silent mode. Normally I would just assume that I’m on silent mode, but I’m not. I’m using it to text my friend, but I’m not actually texting. I’m only sending her a message. That’s just how I work. I’m not using my phone for anything.