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For me, the scalloped wedding band is my favorite. It reminds me of the scalloped wedding bands I used to wear as a teenager. I’m not sure that I’m the only one to enjoy the scalloped look. I can’t deny that the band is gorgeous. I know I’ll probably never wear it again, but I like that it reminds me of my youth.
Ive always been a jewelry person, but Ive never worn a scalloped wedding band before. I think its a cool look and Im glad to know that this is a trend that is catching on.
But of course, one of the things I love about scalloped wedding bands is how versatile they are. They can be used in so many situations.
For example, the scalloped look was originally used for the wedding band of a girl who was married to a member of the Royal Family. It was first used for the wedding band of Princess Diana before being adapted for the wedding band of Princess Anne.
In a perfect world, if your wedding bands are scalloped, you should have several different styles. Scalloped wedding bands aren’t just limited to Princess Diana. They’re also used for weddings of Princess Charlotte of Wales, Princess Eugenie of the Netherlands, Princess Alexandra of Denmark, Princess Alice of Great Britain, and Princess Beatrice of the Netherlands. And that just scratches the surface of the possibilities.
But scalloped wedding bands arent limited to Princess Diana either.
With scalloped wedding bands, you can have a few different styles. These are called “flair”. And like the other styles of wedding band, there are plenty of different scalloped styles for the Princesses. In the Princess Diana wedding, the Princess’s wedding bands were scalloped in white, the white bands with a diamond in the middle and the diamond in the center of the white bands.
The princesses wedding band styles arent limited to white either. You can have them all in either gold, pink, black or silver. All of these are scalloped. In that case, Princess Diana’s wedding band style was black.
Some of the styles that the Princesses wedding bands are scalloped in have the same shape as the flower petals of a flower, but in this case the diamond in the center of the scalloped bands is in the middle of the petals, and that diamond is the center of all the petals.
You can also get them by putting a scalloped band on the middle finger of your ring finger, and a flower petal on the outside of your ring finger.