Write for us Tech, Business, Cybersecurity, Marketing

You may wish to use value-added supporting media in your article – embedded tweets, images, graphs, YouTube videos, etc. If that’s the case, please link to any media you wish to include in your article. Again, we ask that you only do so where useful and relevant to save everyone time. We’re looking for editorials, not thinly veiled advertorials. And no affiliation to any of our competitors in the technology space, either, please.

There are no deadlines unless ever mentioned or specified to you. Just send what you have when it is ready and we will review it and update them on our blog section. Note- We may do minor edits to align the article to our audience’s needs and to make it SEO-friendly.

Use “State Department” and include an indication to which the department belongs (“U.S. State Department”) unless it’s absolutely clear from the context. On first reference, either “Department of Justice” or “Justice Department” is fine. Same for “Department of Defense” or “Defense Department.” After that, abbreviate as DOJ or DOD . Maybe use “Justice Department” on second reference if the first reference is too far away. Authors may also use “ISIS,” “ISIL,” or “Daesh” if they prefer. We want to reach policymakers and thought leaders who don’t necessarily have a legal background.

Use images that will really helpful for the readers to understand the article. Then make sure you edit your piece according to the following guidelines before you send us the completed version. Articles published for Computer Tech Reviews should not be published on any other website using the same words and means. We understand that if you are promoting your own product it can be difficult to make different reviews but if you want a free review, you must be creative.

We do not accept article which has been published previously on other platforms. Make the content engaging and include new information that most websites have not covered. Moreover, plagiarism of the content is strictly prohibited. Another area of interest would be to write about these new technologies and applications being developed.

The term applies to a variety of contexts, from business to mobile computing, and can be divided into a few common categories. Cybersecurity is the protection of computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data against malicious attacks. Crisp policy pieces are intelligent and thought-provoking, yet accessible to our broad audience. These articles tend to be our most widely read, and play a huge role in growing our — and your — readership and influence. They should strive to identify an angle about an important topic that is being overlooked in the public debate.

So, instead of being concerned, become more enthusiastic about your task. Write something informative about cybersecurity and send it to us right now. We ensure that your guest post grabs most of our audience attention. Write for us, with the right information and positive vibes. We at Cover Junction appreciate the efforts of new bloggers as well as the experienced ones. You can be one of our writing partners if we find quality content within your guest post.

The article should be unique, free from plagiarism, should not have been published anywhere before. If you are looking for an authority site to contribute your ideas about home security, we are here to help you achieve that. We assume that you used the following footprints to search for us that’s why you are here. Tips and Tricks — Hacks that you can share with our readers. Cyber security is a set of procedures and strategies that aim to guarantee the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of the information of the company or organization. Cyber Defense Magazine is by ethical, honest, passionate information security professionals for IT Security professionals.

Check out what our contributors have prepared for you. Credible and constantly updated blogs, such as CyberGrace, are now a go-to source for the latest tech news, insider insights, and even the occasional irreverent humor. If you are in the tech industry and would like to join our growing community of blog contributors, feel free to give it a go. We are always open to new ideas and insights from people who are working in technology. If you wish to write for us, your article must be close to 1000 words long.

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