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Now the moms-to-be will begin to feel a renewed surge of energy and an increase in appetite. The stomach is a bit more conspicuous, and they may start to crave junk and unhealthy food. During pregnancy, many changes happen in a woman’s body; especially for new moms, there are a lot of questions to be asked. The do-follow links should not be advertorial or commercial.
Mom News Daily is a great place for you to share your expertise. By writing for Mom News Daily, your story will get in front of more people. Your story will motivate and inspire moms and dads on their parenting journey. A leading online magazine for parents, Mom News Daily provides current, reliable advice on baby care, pregnancy and parenting.
In short, we’re looking for funny, honest, smart, creative parents with strong writing and grammar skills that have a tale to tell. We would LOVE to share your story with our Beneke community. We’re tickled pink you’re interested in writing for Lies About Parenting. Please remember, we love posts that are founded in research, but grounded in daily life.
That said, we won’t be posting cynical articles, or articles with an unresolved complaining tone, as this conflicts with our mission. We do want to include stories that are raw, sad, honest, and sometimes difficult, but they should always have a positive outlook on motherhood in general. You could write about experiences with fine parenting you know or have heard about.
This is a free Christian magazine and website that provides advice for families with children of all ages, often with a faith-based slant. Its website typically includes specific calls for submissions with pay rate included. Today’s Parent is Canada’s national parenting magazine. Articles cover a variety of highly relatable topics for parents with children, from newborns to college students. MOPS is a movement of women raising their communities collectively. The movement’s blog provides thoughtful articles on a variety of topics relevant to motherhood.
Raising a child is a tedious task, and we want our site to be a place of comfort for all parents. We, therefore, encourage all our readers and contributors to try to have fun as much as possible. We pride ourselves on the readability of articles on our site and will like you to keep up with that tradition. To improve readability, include a headline and write short sentences and paragraphs.
We also invite parent and child development experts to share their knowledge with us and people who seek your help. Parenthood is surely wonderful but along with that, it is also brimming with challenges. Therefore, handy and practical tips from specialists would make a difference for struggling parents.
Successful Black Parenting is written by parents for parents. It’s an online publication about Black children and the Black family internationally. Upon agreement, we pay experienced writers for their submissions. It also provides a forum for parents to share their experiences in support of one another. If you are considering writing a guest post on parenting, we’d love to publish it on our site. We have built a resource for parents that can help them deal with the hurdles of raising kids.
Original and not duplicates of any articles online . You can however use your previously written article and re-write it and submit it for possible inclusion. I have a friend who is much interested in freelance writing and this was a very interesting read im going to share this post her, Thanks.