Write for us Health Blog, Fitness, Medical, Wellness etc

We do not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns about your health, please consult a qualified healthcare professional. Please note that we reserve the right to edit your guest post for length, clarity, or grammar before publishing it on our site.

You will get links back to your site and social channels, as well as be promoted through our social and email lists. If you’d like to write for us, please be sure to read our terms, we only accept original health and wellness content that has not been published elsewhere. Basically, we look for content related to all aspects of healthy lifestyle, so if you have a passion for writing and health, get in touch!

This is because our editorial team will be unable to publish your submission without losing the trust of our readers. To guarantee that you don’t experience any rejection from our end, it’s important to know about and adhere to the writing guidelines we’ve provided above. Neither are the search engine updates waiting, nor are your competitors waiting.

The article must be engaging to the readers and satisfy search engine guidelines. All articles must be 100% original and exclusive to our website. We will not accept articles that have been published elsewhere. Thoroughly review our terms and about page then submit your idea here. We do not accept posts with the purpose of linking back to commercial sites although we do accept sponsored posts that are in alignment with our mission. We are a small team so it can take some time to get back to writers.

You can also add one link to a blog article and other informational content on your page if it organically fits the article and provides value to the reader. Links to product offers and services can also be added. We want practical tips and takeaways that our readers can put to work. That being said, use theory, research, and science for supporting your claims and making your article more comprehensive. Always add links to reputable sources that back up what you’re saying. Further, you can share your piece of content through various social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

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