Write For Us Gardening Guest Post Opportunity

Agriculture in the United States is primarily governed by periodically renewed U.S. farm bills. Governance is both a federal and a local responsibility with the United States Department of Agriculture being the federal department responsible. Government aid includes research into crop types and regional suitability as well as many kinds of subsidies, some price supports and loan programs. U.S. farmers are not subject to production quotas and some laws are different for farms compared to other workplaces. The U.S. has led developments in seed improvement, such as hybridization, and in expanding uses for crops from the work of George Washington Carver to bioplastics and biofuels.

This Site is Protected by DMCA and Copying Any content from This Website is Against International Law. 7) Only one client backlink is allow in the article. Submit your posts usingthe form at the bottom of this page. Holistic methods for achieving health, including herbal medicine, homeopathy, and other drug-free methods of combating disease and maintaining wellness. The manuscript sample can either be emailed in PDF form or typed (preferably in Word or saved in a rich-text format), double-spaced, and printed on plain white 8½ x 11 inch paper. Please use at least 12-point type and allow at least one-inch margins on both sides, top, and bottom.

Other field crops includes peanuts, potatoes, sunflowers, sweet potatoes, sugarcane, broomcorn, popcorn, sugar beets, mint, hops, seed crops, hay, silage, forage, etc. Tobacco and cotton can be included here if not in their own separate category. The introduction and broad adoption of scientific agriculture since the mid-19th century contributed to economic growth in the United States.

As a leading advocate for family farmers and sustainable agriculture, it’s our job to make sure that this important bill is good for farmers, consumers, and for the natural environment. In the United States, farms spread from the colonies westward along with the settlers. In cooler regions, wheat was often the crop of choice when lands were newly settled, leading to a “wheat frontier” that moved westward over the course of years.

I don’t understand how to submit an article. For information on how to write and submit your post, contact us. We aim to make the process as easy as possible for our authors. I read something on the Biofortified Blog that I disagree with. We encourage you to begin by commenting on the post you disagree with. If you have a lot to say, an article may be the best way to continue the discussion.

Blog articles should be around the 500-word mark. However, we accept longer feature pieces for the magazine. Now, most importantly don’t forget to share your articles with your friends and family on your social network once the article is published. We like to think of Pick-a-Pepper as a community site. We sincerely value the ideas, thoughts and opinions of our members and readers.

Alternatively, we may suggest writing about or mentioning us in a relevant article. Please contact us with 3-5 article heading ideas and we’ll get back to you if we’re interested. 50+ domain authority 50+ domain rating USA top traffic Best website to publish educational, business, health, technology and fashion related articles. I work for the government, can I write an article?

We will accept only that guest post which is closely related to our categories like Autos, Business, Fashion, Food, Health, Home Improvement, Lifestyle and Travel. Also, for greater readability, use short paragraphs and bullet points where appropriate. Even better, use subheadings that include words or phrases that might be Googled frequently. Selene River Press reserves the right to insert links to other posts in the Selene River Press network . If your manuscript will contain art of any kind (photos, charts, graphs, line drawings, etc.), please do not embed it into the text of your manuscript. Rather, save the art in the same application you used to create or store it (Microsoft Excel, Adobe Photoshop, Corel Freehand, etc.).

Voquent is a worldwide community of professional voice actors, audio producers and filmmakers. This website houses a large volume of supporting materials. In this section, you can search the wide range of documents, videos, and other resources. The Data Gateway enables users to find funding data, metrics, and information about research, education, and extension projects that have received grant awards from NIFA. The Institute reserves the right to edit, abridge, and/or decline publication of any submission at any time for any reason, at the sole discretion of the Institute team. Focus on exploring a single idea rather than trying to summarize an entire field.

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