Write for Us Beauty, Makeup, Skincare, Hair, Health

Try to include excellent quality PNG images or screenshots to make the contributor’s skincare and fashion guidelines or tutorials more attractive. We do not recommend any publication (beauty “write us”) that contains only or primarily commercial information about any person, company, website, product, or service. These contributing authors are considered public OTA and are therefore specifically sponsored by the “Write for Us” health award. We want to create an opportunity for writers everywhere, no matter what their skill level is or whether they have any professional experience. Our guest post platform will allow you to do this once again without the need for any websites or blogs on your behalf.

The columns of TBG are open to guest blogs and also to collaborating articles. You have the right to add a link inside your author bio or in the last paragraph of the article. Lastly, we will give you the acknowledgment email and share the live link to your guest post.

The term you have typed on google or a website is known as keywords and search terms that are used to discover websites in the same niche. These effective search terms will help you to find some of the best fashion blogs and websites on google. You can freely share your ideas on this platform in Guest Posting and provide amazing information to the world. Through your blogs and posts, you can motivate and inspire people all over the globe who are struggling to find some fashion inspiration. After publishing the article, we will update you with your guest’s live link post-submitted article.

The content length should be between 800 and 1200 words. We prefer deep and long articles with 2,000-2,500 words as that can bring value to our readers. Our website has a high domain authority , which will boost your keywords’ search engine rankings. If approved, we will share the post at our social media profiles and pages (27,000+ followers). The article/blog should necessarily contain in-depth information & include relevant links.

Please send us feedback if you think you can rephrase a sentence or word or if the information seems outdated. Our Blog’s mission is to provide tips and tricks for everyone who want to feel beautiful. Thank you for taking out the time to read through the whole page.

For beauty tips videos or presentations, pass me the codes, and I’ll embed them in the place of the guest post you want. Our editorial team retains the right to edit any guest post in a way they deem fit for our audience. We will publish your articles on other social media channels, but it does not guarantee to increase traffic on your blog’s social media handle. Beautikue is considered the highest accolade in the industry.

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