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We do not want junk articles by so-called SEO experts. You may include a link or two in your article, but the article itself must have something of value for our users. Please write useful information that is going to be helpful for those seeking legal assistance, legal information and free resources. Your guest posting article’s content must be unique and original. Your article must not have been published elsewhere. If your article is appropriate, a member of our editorial staff will contact you.
We do not accept content that is deemed to be irrelevant to the legal sector or blatant promotional articles. You need to add two or three photographs that are entirely connected to the guest post content in order to make your piece come across as more natural and properly handled. On the website, promotional legal content will not be tolerated. We anticipate that our guest authors will provide factually accurate and well-written content.
You will have readers some of which can be lawyers who are finding your niche useful and effective for them. This will help to generate a lot of fan-following in your community. You will surely get way too much popular with these blogs. Please send your lawyer or legal article to , Where your editor will team take care your article and let you know status of your content.
Create an authentic relationship between your content and It’s Over Easy. At Law Plain and Simple, we are committed to providing our readers with up to date and newsworthy articles written in plain and simple English. Lawyers, Law Students, and those in the legal field, get your chance at getting your name out there and getting published. We are a small growing firm in Kansas City and focus on criminal law. Legal guest post material that you give should not have any grammatical errors, be original, present relevant information, and be written in an effective manner. Before you give us any content, please make sure you have read and understood our guest post guidelines.
You can post the article related to medical legal aspect with a single do-follow link, If you wish to provide an additional link, each link will cost separately. Meanwhile, you can submit as many numbers of blogs as possible. We have a zero-tolerance policy for duplicate and spun content. If we detected that your content was duplicated on the first try, then you will never have another chance to submit a guest post for consideration on our site.
These posts are focused on tips that help lawyers achieve quick wins, and help people master specific tactics and technologies in the running of their practices. These are often “lists”, or “how-tos”, or “10 Ideas for….”, or “5 Steps to….”. In matters of exceptional gravity or importance the Attorney General appears in person before the Supreme Court. Authors are expected to keep abreast of the legal field and of changes in the subject area. The author should contact the CL editor during the editorial process if new laws or cases impact an article.
Recently, We have started to accept the guest post on our legal directory. We invite the legal blogger, legal writers and legal advisers to write for us on legal, law and other practice areas. Colorado Lawyer is mindful of the publication’s role in promoting civility and professionalism and reserves the right to accept or reject any article. Submissions that include personal attacks, contain language that may be deemed defamatory, or are inconsistent with the objectives of the CBA will not be published.
Our medico-legal platform assures you true knowledge about legal information and other heath related tips. We encourage you to promote your post on publish day. This could be on social networks, on your website or sharing through email. For consumers looking to hire an attorney or researching information about their legal matter, check out our “For the Public” section. Authors are encouraged to submit sidebars, charts, tables, or other instructive graphics with their articles.
Instead, post promotional content in the Law Posts section. Your article can be directed to clients or other legal professionals. To make your article more natural and well managed, you need to add 2 or 3 images that completely related to guest post article. Use catchy heading, dot point, sub-heading and short paragraphs to make your article differ from other legal bloggers. They can feel free to share the idea’s relevant to legal niche on Best US Lawyers directory. So that users can get some quality legal information from our blog.