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Each contributor will get a bio profile and potentially be featured across selected digital channels, with options to write for us on a regular basis or for the content to be published in the printed magazine. At least two high-quality, high-res images with corresponding captions and proper credit to illustrate the article. You can view our latest stories here on You can receive notification of our new posts by subscribing in our blog.
Her work has appeared in VICE, National Geographic, Teen Vogue, Health, HuffPost, Popular Science, Quartz, Harper’s Bazaar, Eater, and more. That’s why we made Treehugger, the only modern sustainability site that offers advice, clarity, and inspiration for both the eco-savvy and the green-living novice. With 2.6 million monthly users, Treehugger is one of the world’s largest information sites dedicated to driving sustainability mainstream.
If you are looking to have your business featured on Eco Warrior Princess, we do offer advertising packages. You’ll be joining a community of like-minded individuals who care about sustainability. You must proofread your article and there ought to be no grammatical or spelling errors. There are certain criteria we have set that you must meet before we officially welcome you to This is an unpaid position however, successful applicants will receive name recognition, gratitude and a sterling reference from the SBT.
For images I don’t own the rights to I will clearly link to the image source underneath each image. To be specific, it should be better writing than the stuff we’re normally producing for our readers, and your biases and any conflicts of interest need to be reasonably well disclosed. We also have a limited number of slots for ongoing writers that we pay on a monthly basis – usually these spots are reserved for writers we’ve worked with a number of times in the past. Every article has a FAQ section at the bottom – please supply us with 3-4 frequently asked questions and answers about your topic. Each answer should be around 50-words long and refer the reader back to the main article for more info. Videos should be relevant to the topic and demonstrate something useful for the reader.
Determination of whether I will publish your article shall depend on the calibre of the business desiring a link, and the quality and relevance of the article. Please submit at least 1 image, minimum width 600px, minimum height 200px. You should either own the copyright to the image, or be providing us with an image that you have the right to share.
When discussing political issues, make assertions, not accusations. Don’t insult the reader’s intelligence with evident sentiments about a particular topic. Provide the truth, and let the reader decide for themselves.
Whether that is creating bins for electronic recycling in their homes, or sharing the content on social media. Those interested in submitting articles can write topics that naturally fit into the categories below. These categories are aligned with the vision and message of Our Happy Planet and its community of loyal readers. For all guest posts published on this site, the authors keep their copyright. You can include it in your future book in a slightly different form.
Evergreen articles with real-life examples, charts, and case studies will be favored. All articles must be relevant to our core topics and areas of interest. We are looking for passionate bloggers to write informative blog articles about zero waste, natural living, mindful consumption, and sustainable gardening. Your ideas and perspectives can help promote sustainable living practices. Relating to the previous point, if you are seeking to publish a guest article with a backlink to a business you are representing, please include a brief description of said business in your initial proposal.