My name is Jason and I’m the one that you see in the pictures today. I’m a licensed interior designer and owner of the company, Jason Gray Interior Design in the Fort Worth Metroplex. I’ve been designing and building homes for the past twenty years, building more than 400 homes in my time. I specialize in custom home renovations and interior design.
We got our first taste of custom home renovations a few years ago when Jason contacted me about making a home for his daughter. So when we started to work on our house we were very excited to get to work. We were able to focus on a few projects that we wanted to do after the house was built. Ive been working with Jason every step of the way and Im excited to continue to work with him.
Jason and I have been working together for about a year now. We started off by working on a few projects that were pretty much just the two of us and we were able to get a lot done within a very short period of time. At the time Jason and I were working on the house, we had a bunch of different plans in our heads. Jason wanted to build a custom house. I wanted to design the house.
Well, I wish I could tell you that you were right, but the truth is Jason and I both agreed that the house we wanted was too small and too narrow to house a family. So we started working on a project that was bigger, wider, and longer. And then we ended up working on a house that was way bigger than we wanted the house to be.
The most ambitious house we worked on was the one we designed in the middle of our work on the house we were starting. It was a house that was a little over 60 feet wide and over 200 feet long. It had a full basement that held the kitchen, laundry, and bedroom. The first thing we did was to build a wall that separated the kitchen from the whole house.
That wall was the first thing we did to separate the two rooms. And it was awesome because it gave us a chance to do a lot of the work we usually do when we work on a house. We made the walls into a 3D model and had people actually walk on them and look at them. It was one of the hardest things we have done in the past year because we didn’t do it in a week but we were able to do it in a few months.
The other thing to do was to build a fence. We actually worked on a fence in the first week of the project and there were some really cool aspects to it. It was actually kind of like a 3D model of the house that we built, but we did it by modeling out the existing fence and the walls and then building the fence around them. The fence was actually kind of like the foundation of the house, so we had to build it in a certain way.
It helps to have a “designer” that you can go to for help. I did not have any help on the building of the fence, but I did use a 3D modeling program called Rhino. It was actually really easy to use, but I would caution you to not let anyone touch your work in the future.
Rhino is a program that makes 3D modeling easier than ever. It is able to provide a solid foundation from which to go to designing the entire wall. It’s also able to give you a lot of tools to make your design and painting process a bit more streamlined. Rhino is actually one of the easiest programs to use online, so it’s a great program to begin with.
Rhino is really easy to use. However, keep in mind that you should not use it to model your own wall. Rhino has a really solid program, but you should not use it to make your own walls. The software itself is really easy to use. But don’t use Rhino to make your own wall, or even to modify your old ones.