This is no ordinary coin. It is the biggest, heaviest coin I’ve ever had the pleasure of holding.
That might be something I can say about any coin, but this thing is a full-on-monster-coin so it’s a little intimidating. But it is awesome.
Me, I dont have the most impressive personality, nor did I grow up with any super-heroes. But still, I can say that I have a lot of friends who have similar feelings about the coin (and even the people who are holding it). A quick search on Amazon shows that these coins are popular among collectors, and that might make me feel better about carrying around the thing.
For me, this is the greatest coin around. It’s actually the first coin I’ve ever held in my hands, and it really feels as though it’s the crown of our collection. It brings back the magic of owning your own minted coin, and that’s pretty cool stuff.
I also have a friend who gets a lot of coin and has no idea where he got it. To him, he’s just a collector of coins. I just think that if I had this coin, I would think of it as a collector coin. I would know that I actually own it. A huge factor in deciding whether to buy or not is the person that actually has it. If you have the coin, it makes a huge difference in the way you feel.
I think this is a good way to put it. So many coins feel like they belong to no one. As a collector, I’m not sure why you should own a coin. Maybe it just feels like you have something that belongs to you. There are a lot of reasons to own coins.
Collecting a coin is a lot like buying a piece of art, a piece of jewelry, wine, or even a car. You can do it because you’ve got it. You can feel like you have the right to it, like you are entitled to it. But what you can’t be entitled to is the right to ownership. In that case you’re at the mercy of an expert who knows a lot more about the coin than you do.
I think that if you own a coin you can feel like you have ownership of it. But that is only because you have a coin. Coins are like a piece of art. They are not something you can own. You can own a piece of artwork, but that piece of art has to be created by someone else. The same goes for coin ownership.
This is where the argument between the owner (the person who is the owner of the coin) and the expert comes in. The owner does not know anything about the coin. The expert knows a lot more about the coin than the owner. So the owner can feel like he is in possession of the coin, while the expert feels he is merely the subject of his own experiments and is being treated as a passive participant.
It’s like a contest between the expert and the owner, and the owner has to decide if he is going to let the expert see him. If he does, the owner might see him as a subject of his own experiments, but the expert feels he is nothing more than a passive participant.