There is a certain irony to a coin bank that offers no face-saving bank cards. I know the irony of a coin bank that offers a face-saving bank card.
Well, it is a coin bank, and it is a face-saving bank card. The irony is that I would not have any face-saving bank cards if it wasn’t for the bank’s coin-pushing policy. It’s a joke, and I could go on and on about the irony of this bank. But I digress.
Some banks offer an “in-house” coin-pushing policy, where the bank manager and/or security guards are personally responsible for depositing and withdrawing cash from the bank. They need your credit card number to do it, so you will have to give them a copy of your credit card number after you’re approved to withdraw cash.
I think the same thing could be said about the banking industry as a whole. If it was a joke, I could go on and on about the ridiculousness and stupidity of the banks. But that’s not what this is. This is a bank that keeps you on the hook for a $3,500 deposit and demands an $8,000 credit card number from you in order to withdraw it.
Yes, you are. You are the bank. You are the one who has to approve the credit card, so you are the one who has to give them the credit card number. They have to keep the card on you, which they can’t do if you don’t have a credit card in your name, so they are going to charge you an extra $3.50 to take the card off you. I get that. I can see that, because I do have a MasterCard.
That’s right. Not only do they want to take it off you, but they also want to ask you for a 3,500 deposit before they can withdraw it. They know that you will refuse, and they want to try to get you to pay them the 3,500, but if you refuse, they will just ask you for the 8,000 for the card.
They are asking for 8,000 for the card, and if they ask you for the 8,000 for the card, they are hoping that you will just give them the card and give them the 3,500 to take it off you. Of course you will refuse.
So if you refuse, they will just try to get you to pay them the 3,500, but if you refuse, they will just try to get you to give them the 8,000 for the card. Of course you will refuse.
This is pretty much how you should react if you refuse to take it. If you refuse, they will try to get you to pay them the 3,500, but if you refuse, they will try to get you to just take the card from you. Of course you will refuse.
The story is about a man who tries in vain to evade the cards and collect the 3,500. But you will never find him, because the banks are smart and all the cards have been removed. So if you refuse to take the card from you, they will just try to get you to give them the 8,000 you were willing to take. Of course you will refuse.