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I love nate and jeremiah weddings. I hope you do too. They are a unique way to get married and the experience is absolutely unforgettable.
I can’t imagine my life without them, but the wedding is the best part for me. One of the best parts is being able to dress up and have the entire wedding party be from different generations. That’s a rare experience to have, and it’s really fun to be a part of. I’m not saying this because I love weddings but because that’s what it’s all about.
Nate and Jeremiah are the only people that have their wedding in an actual church and not a fancy wedding chapel. The church you’re in is called The Church, and the chapel is called The Chapel, but the actual wedding is held in the Church. There’s no chapel or reception in the Chapel. It’s a real wedding. It’s not like you have to dress up in the wedding dress or do anything special.
Its a real wedding of two people who have been dating for years and have been in a relationship for over 4 years. But theres a big problem, they have to pretend to be married because they dont want their friends or family members to think they really are married. In the video, they show how much fun it is to pretend to be married. They also show off how their wedding would look if you dressed up in a wedding dress.
So its a wedding but its not like its a traditional wedding with a priest or anything. Its more like a bachelorette party with a bunch of people dressed up for the occasion. It reminds me of when I was a kid and my parents took me to my first bachelorette party. We went to a house party, and I was the “bride”.
If you grew up with a wedding like this you will appreciate our point. The “wedding” part is totally unnecessary; it’s just a photo shoot, and the only reason you’re even there is to pretend to be married. You can also do it in a more mundane setting.
I did not grow up with a wedding like this. I grew up in a church where weddings were a big deal. There were only two ways to get married at that church, you either found your soulmate (which I went through a lot of), or you got married by a priest. The wedding part was completely irrelevant. So when I say I grew up with a wedding like this, I mean I was married to my parents at a wedding. I was a bridesmaid.
The church part of it was pretty boring. The rest of it consisted of a lot of people watching and being bored. Some of the people got married, but the rest of them just watched. They didn’t have the wedding to look forward to, they had to wait until it was almost too late to go.
Nite, nite, nite! This wedding is going to be an experience.
It’s like a time-looped wedding with no wedding at all. The wedding is the same, just with two people instead of one.