Is your New Years resolution to write a guest post for our blog?

If a contributor’s relationship with Anime Feminist ends, Anime Feminist retains the right to host all articles previously submitted and contributors do not lose the right to link to their work. We also retain the right to continue promoting their articles on social media at our discretion. If we do not accept your first pitches, please don’t be discouraged, and do pitch again! We may not reply because our pipeline is full for a few weeks, or we already have an article planned on the topic of your pitch, or simply because we are swamped. Give us a month or two to catch up then try again with some fresh ideas.

Our preference is that you hyperlink each online source into the text it references on your Word or Google doc or in your email. We’re dedicated to helping freelance writers succeed. We send you reviews of freelance writing companies, assignments, and articles to help build your writing career. You can view our privacy policyhere, and our disclaimer. To get started, simply enter your email address in the form on this page.

The “feature image” for all posts should be 1200x630px. A review of a specific book, episode, etc that’s been covered on the blog before. Portrayals of women; LGBTQ+; visible minorities; and/or people with disabilities in Star Trek. Anti-racist feminist analysis of Star Trek content and fandom.

Try not to rant, unless it’s the best way to handle your topic. If you are older than our target audience, avoid over-the-top attempts at sounding young and hip. If we like an idea, we will talk about what section it fits into, and when we might have room to publish it. Sometimes a pitch is interesting, but not exactly right for the magazine. In that case, we might think about whether a slightly different take on the story might work better. Sometimes we set aside strong pitches until they match up with a later issue’s theme, but we understand that by then you may have sent your pitch to another publication.

You can email pictures (or if you’re working with another blogger to their email address). Contributor status means that you can’t add photos. After a few posts, we switch you to author status and authors can add their own photos and schedule their own posts. If you would rather not work directly in WordPress, email us your word docx and we will import it into WordPress.

The Gender and Education Association welcomes blog contributions from members. You can write about a book you’ve read (or one you’ve written), a film you’ve seen (or one you’ve made), an event you’ve been to (or one you’re planning). You can respond to a recent news story, policy or rant about something that’s happened to you. Pitches should include a detailed description of what a completed article will look and sound like, and an expectation of when it could be ready for review. Submissions of completed work should be prefaced with a short summary of the topic and approach. All queries should clearly state the author’s expertise on an issue and their qualifications to cover it.

In this article, complete with audio interviews, crime author Angela Clarke shares her tips for writing dialogue in fiction and using it for characterization. Dr. Sara Lodge, who worked as a speechwriter to the late Kofi Annan, talks about crafting speeches for others and identifying the nuances and characteristics of the target voice. Rosie MacLeod shares advice for scripting radio and podcast episodes. Not everyone has an answer to the third question, and that’s okay.

If your web pitch will lead to a story that involves multiple sources, substantial context or background, and images, we encourage you to pitch a feature, rather than a blog post. If your story seems more like a magazine article than a blog post but it is to time-sensitive to get into the print magazine, a web feature may be the right format for you. We publish three times a year, in April, August and December. Before writing your pitch, you should read our mandate.

This means that we will not publish any writing that targets a group, movement or individual based on race, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, disability, gender, class, etc. Publishing of articles does not indicate the personal opinion of the editorial team or officers. We accept submissions ranging from articles, photographs, book reviews, videos, sketches/paintings and any other format that expresses your views on women and politics. Women at Warp welcomes submissions from guest bloggers of all genders, races, and sexual orientations. As a Women at Warp guest blogger, you will have the opportunity to make your voice heard, share your experiences and perspectives, and gain valuable writing experience and feedback.

Bitch seeks to be a fresh, revitalizing voice in contemporary feminism, one that welcomes complex arguments and refuses to ignore the contradictory and often uncomfortable realities of life in an unequivocally gendered world. The Establishment is a feminist site founded by Vannesa Valenti in 2015. She supports feminism and is one of the popular girl on the blog. The blog contains a complete archive of feminist stories and is updated regularly with new content.

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