This is one of the most fun-filled blogs to read for me. It’s a fun look into the life of an interior designer I know and love. I feel like I’m sitting next to a good friend and I’m learning about how I want to live and design my space. I’m also learning things about my own style, myself, and my approach to designing. It’s all very educational and I love it.
I think the best part of this site is that the writers seem to have learned from each other and Im sure if I ever find a friend I can talk to I can probably learn a few things from them too.
Another great perk of the site is that they seem to be open to comments that might make them think a little differently about something. This is actually a great way for me to get ideas for interior design that I’m going to use in my own home. Not only is I learning about design and how it works as well as what I want, but I’m also learning about myself as a designer and what kind of style I want to achieve with my home.
This is a great thing and I see a lot of value in it. But it’s not just about the information that can be gleaned through the comments section. Im finding that a lot of the comments are actually really helpful, like helping me see how to incorporate certain elements into my own home, or even how I might be able to create a particular type of design.
I think this is a really good thing (as it turns out, a lot of the comments are really helpful). For example, I had a discussion with a friend of mine about my house plans last night and how I might be able to incorporate the same style into it. I’m learning a lot about myself and how I want to express myself. The comments section is one of the places where I can see the information I’m looking for.
A lot of the comments are a little too general and generalize a lot of what I am talking about. The way I have constructed my house is a personal style in its own right. I am definitely not trying to be a “universal” house designer. I am just trying to create a design that best expresses parts of my personality. And the general comments are helpful.
I’m not sure if this is a problem, or a good thing, or something in between, but it’s clear that a lot of comments here are too general. In general, the people writing these comments could be doing a lot more than just expressing themselves. They’re probably trying to tell us how to do things and it’s not clear how much that really matters unless you’re trying to design something.
I do think the general comments are helpful, but I don’t think I’m expressing myself that well. I think I’m just trying to express myself in a way that best represents my personality (I’m pretty specific with my comments).
The best comments are when people say things that relate to your business or yourself. Comments like “I have a design problem” or “Im trying to design a website that is easy for me to get to” tend to be pretty helpful.
This is true. Comments like these can be helpful in that they provide a perspective regarding your business or yourself that can help others. The problem is that they can also be condescending and judgmental. The worst comments are when people say things like “Youre not a designer” or “Youre not a person.” What happens when someone says these things? They’re not just being mean, they’re not being patronizing. They’re being honest.