Get Paid To Write About Video Games Paid Writing Jobs

We would like you to compose the writing on a topic of which you have in-depth knowledge. Because only in this way, you can create a quality post. GrownGaming is always looking for talented writers to join the family – and we only expect you to write about what you enjoy. ZEAL is a blog that publishes writing on comics, games, and pop culture.

IdealCPU is always looking for more gaming content – especially from gamers and writers or brands who want to feature their products and services. Our main objective is to provide the best read about the favourite game of the people. We give you the golden opportunity by providing an amazing platform to you for putting your thoughts or opinion about a particular game.

I got a lot of helpful feedback from everyone, and I still love the approach GameSkinny has taken to games journalism. There’s no other site where you can write up an idea and within the day, get free editorial feedback and helpful suggestions, and maybe even end up on the front page. Your blog post should be a minimum of 600 words and you can only add one of your link it that.

Prior to founding Launch Media Network in 2013 Stephen grew Gamer Launch to 5 million users. Remember, you are not allowed to submit any post to us that you have published somewhere else. Similarly, if your content is published on our site, you cannot make it live on any platform. Our team of grown-up gamers write about everything from classic retro games and hidden indie gems to AAA releases. As a result, we are happy for you to directly sign up with your choice of affiliate marketing or advertising company and send us a banner and link. Your ad will be inserted into the first few paragraphs of every article that you write.

You can write on virtually any related topic that you see on dailygame.net. More exposure for your business, Startups, and Products as we have a huge number of audiences. Submitted Stories should raise Awareness and inspire or inform the Readers. They should encourage the reader to take action and Technology Success. Be really, really into the game you’re covering.

Gameasaurus Rex is where we post incoherent rants, selective news coverage, and nostalgic content. From listicles to analytical essays – we’ve got you nerds covered. Publishes engaging stories based on video game artists, fans, and culture. They previously listed pay as $0.25 per word, but now state that they pay both on effort and word count. ” They imply that they’ll be willing to pay a significant sum for the right kind of article.

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