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Please submit appropriate food images along with your content. We receive daily pitches from writers who would like to guest post with us. Therefore we may not be able to reply to everyone.
Healthy smoothie ingredients that can help people to look and feel their best. Just be sure that every single nutrition claim is 100% evidence-based as our in-house nutritionist will quickly weed out any inaccuracies. Sometimes, We will typically give your piece our own headline so that it fits Foodwalas style. We’ll also illustrate the post with our own photos . Unfortunately, since contributors are not on staff we don’t allow them to use Foodwalas credentials. Engaging and thoughtful analysis, opinion, inside scoops, Food makers story or expert advice or even something fun.
If you have introduced some irrelevant content when the post you have prepared is not of use for us. This will not only let you feel motivated, but you will also try to put some more innovative ideas. Try to write structured content, content should be grammatically correct. Make sure that the title of the blog does not exceed 10 words or 60 character . Please make sure this topic is related to food or nutrition, and that we haven’t covered it before. Familiarise yourself with our values – check out our about page to ensure your content is aligned with our approach.
Submit Original Content / Recipe can be local but it has to be written in your own words. Don’t attach a full draft, even if you already have one written . Post your content by filling out the below option. You will be notified via email about the status of your submission. However, if you don’t want your name to be revealed, Honest Food Talks can post under a pseudonym, keeping your identity anonymous.
Let us know your background and we’ll suggest a few easy topics you can approach. Opinion – Do you have a strong opinion on something in the food and beverage industry and have research to back it up? Start a discussion about the latest food trends on our website. Additionally, if you are interested in a research & writing internship or fellowship please check out available positions HERE. We look forward to promoting your valuable work on our website and honoring you as a guest writer. Use bold highlights in case of long articles that overlook the paragraph look.
The most frequently asked questions for a private chef operating around the globe for more than 20 years, cooking for the homes of others as… We will review your Guest Post for the above-mentioned quality guideline and will approve it within hours. Submit Original Content / Recipes can be from anywhere in the world, but they must be written in your own words.
We can edit or refuse any post that we do not find relevant or helpful. Also, all the links should be already added as no affiliate linking is allowed. Writers should include sub-headings to make the article scannable and more readable.
In case we do not accept your content then it might be due to various reasons stated above. Still, you can try to search for other websites that accept food blog guest posts by searching for food + “write for us” + guest post in Google. Good luck with your mouth-watering recipes that await our inbox. The Foodsk is one of the food blogs that accept guest posts. This blog specializes in recipes, travel, and lifestyle.
Full credit will be given to you so you can use our platform to build your reputation in the foodie world. Please note, we appreciate your time and effort spent on article pitches and guest posts, but due to the volume of content we receive, we cannot accept all pitches. Writing a food or recipe guest post on The Blendery is a great way to share your ideas and knowledge with a wider audience.