Create Content For WhatCulture com and Get Paid

They are also open to writers with a fine vision. You can earn $100 for essays published on their blog. One Story is an award-winning literary publisher, committed to supporting the art form of the short story and the author who writes them. They are looking for literary fiction and accept stories between 3,000 and 8,000 words. You can write on any topic and in any style. You can earn $500 and 25 contributor copies of First Serial North American Rights.

Big Grey Horse page $125-$200 for posts about Texas — photos must be included. Texas-based writers are preferred, because the site requires in-person visits. Tuts+ pays $100 and up for tutorials on various technologies, including Web design and Flash. Salon pays $100-$200 for essays and reported features, even very long ones. Listverse pays $100 for long lists on various topics.

This is a women’s magazine, with articles focusing on women’s issues. The required article length is between 500 and 1200 words, but longer pieces are also welcome. If you want to submit your work, you need to follow The Chicago Manual of Style, but most of the rules of CMOS are listed on the “guidelines” page anyway. If you want to become a contributor, you need to send an article of up to 800 words in length. But if you’re interested in a one-off gig, you can get paid $100 for a quick tutorial or $250 for a more advanced tutorial.

But I can find a link to apply for a job in most I mean all of the sites that are listed with the link. I love to write article and post them in web by sharing my thoughts. If you have any list of Guest post Website paid or unpaid who accept the post . This is an established market for science fiction stories. Their payment scale ranges from $25 to $400, depending on article length, department, and research.

You can get all the details about submissions on their “write for us” page. But your article has to be about design, development technology, inspiration, or social commerce. Once you get accepted, send the topic that you would like to write about. The editorial team will review it, and once it’s approved, you can start writing. Once you familiarize yourself with the specific guidelines, feel free to send your article idea to the email address from the “write for us” page.

The pay is $0.08 for every word, up to $1,600 per story. And yes, you may have to wait months and even a year or two until the next edition of the book is published to see your work. If your content is accepted, it’ll be a part of the famous Chicken Soup for the Soul book series.

The more clicks it gets, the more we will pay you. You can ask us about the details in the application. Writing tips and examples, best reads, cool tools, jobs, and friendly encouragement to do your best writing.

Then Listverse might be just the site for you. For every list they publish, they’ll pay you $100. Just make sure your list is original and has at least 10 items on it. Are you an RV enthusiast, or do you know someone who is? Motorhome is a newsstand magazine that will pay you top dollar for an article about any motorized RV.

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