This centenario gold coin is a great way to make a statement about your self-awareness. The coin is made of real gold and is a rare piece of gold found in the gold Rush of the 1850s. Each coin is an exact replica of the one found in the gold Rush, and it is also one of only a handful of true gold cents in the world.
The only truly gold coins in the world? Yeah, it’s one of those things that sounds really good on paper, but in reality it’s kind of a crapshoot.
Its a crapshoot to me.
But hey, if you find a few hundred of these gold coins on your way to class, that’s pretty cool.
I think the coin is pretty cool, but it is a crapshoot, because if its not gold, it would have to be something really special to be a gold penny. The crapshoot is that you should find a bunch of these coins on your way to class, and if they aren’t gold, they should be gold.
Like all coins that are legal tender in the United States, the centenario in its own right is NOT a legal tender coin. To be legal tender, a coin has to be a coin of gold and have a face value. The centenario is not gold in any form, but it is one of the rarest coins in the world. It’s the only piece in the world that can be described as a cent (the rest are centifuges).
To be legal tender you have to be able to prove your ownership of the coin, and that means either you will have to have the specific coin in your possession, or you will have to have some other means of proving it, like public records. The Centenario is not legal tender, therefore it does not have to be in your possession, but it does have to be shown to have been in the possession/control of someone.
So how do you prove possession of a cent? Easy, you just make it yourself. You can use silver, gold, platinum, or even diamonds. The Centenario is made of platinum, so if it were legal tender it would be in the possession of a person that’s more than 10 years older than the cent.
It’s also very easy to make the cent. You have to cut the coin in half and use a special tool to create the shape. It’s also very easy to make the cent because there are 2 cent coins, one for every year you have been alive. You just have to cut the coin in half and you’ve got a cent.
The cent is extremely hard to carve without breaking it. The process involves cutting it in half and using a special tool to carve out the shape. This is a fairly tedious process that requires a lot of patience and patience is not something you want to waste.