Fashion is constantly evolving, and the trendiest items are often the most revealing. I’m a fan of wearing my favorite pieces with minimal makeup but still letting the clothes speak for themselves. I always try to make myself look the best I can and I always keep my style neutral, but if it is going…
When you think tutu skirt fashion, what image comes to mind? Do you picture the perfect shape, or do you see the tutu skirt as an over-all fashion statement? We’re looking for a new set of guidelines for tutu skirt fashion, so let’s take a look at the best tutu skirt fashion that we can…
If you are a tattoo lover, you might also be interested in this tattoo and skull fashion article. If you are a skull fashion lover, then you might also be interested in this tattoo and skull fashion article. This article was written by a tattoo lover, but it is also really helpful for anyone interested…
Elvis Presley wore what we now call “Formal Clothing.” In other words, he was always dressed in a suit and tie, and wore a white shirt and tie to all his public performances. For the first five years of his life, Elvis stayed in the same house with his parents. Now, with him having a…
Our daily lives are just like a movie or TV series. What we do, how we do it, and what our decisions are leading to affect the rest of our lives is a big part of what we are. We are all responsible for our own destiny. It is up to each of us to…
Fashion Nova is a blog by Fashion Nova Curator, Lauren O’Connell. I don’t know if she is a fashion blogger, but I am sure she is a fashion personality. She is a style-savvy woman who wants to make people feel comfortable and comfortable to be themselves. I love her style, and I think she has…
While there are a lot of fashion blogs out there, we think the most interesting blogs are those that don’t fit the typical blog format. Most fashion blogs are not specifically focused on fashion and many have an eclectic collection of topics, so we’ve made this list of five blogs that you might not have…
When you work for a fashion magazine, you should think about your audience. The people who read your magazine, who are your target audience, and what they want. That is why you create the magazine, and that is why you want it to be the best it can possibly be. You are not trying to…
My mom’s obsession with fashion and the latest trends is the inspiration for this blog. It’s the reason we don’t have a TV. We watch movies, and she watches movies. Every day we go to a movies or a clothing store. We’re always in search of something new, and it’s always something new. If you…
How do you become a goodwill fashion designer? Let me give you a few examples of how you can get into this world of designing for good will. The first is to get into a fashion design business. A good will fashion designer is one of the most respected designers in the world, and you…