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bull design

This past year I have been blessed to be employed by the same local bull, who has become a very close friend. He has always been a bull rider, but his career has taken him to different parts of the country including San Diego, Colorado, Washington, and Virginia. He has seen the bull riding world…

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living in a duplex

Living in a duplex is pretty difficult. Sometimes it is just downright daunting to be in one place for long periods of time. You have to move in order to start your life anew, there are always chores to be done, and the whole house needs to be cleaned out. That is, until you decide…

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design matrix

This Design Matrix is for everyone to use in the beginning of a project. It helps you to visualize how everything will look together. I’m sure you can use this for your next project. As we were working on building our new home, we wanted to use our design matrix to visualize our home. Here…

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zipcode design

I love doing design for clients, but I don’t always have the time to do the actual cutting and assembling of the custom items. So, I’ve decided to do the design for zipcodes on this website. I’ve had a couple clients who are extremely interested in what I do, so I figured I’d give it…

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interior peugeot 209

Interior Peugeot 209 is the perfect vehicle for transporting clients and associates in the heart of historic downtown. With its smooth lines, timeless design, and upscale styling, we are confident that this SUV is an ideal vehicle for anyone looking to make a quick getaway to the city. Interior Peugeot 209 is a comfortable, spacious…

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reclaim by design

The reclaim idea is the idea that the design of a home can change the way you live. The focus is not to make your home looks better, just better. The reclaim idea is based on the idea that we can create things that are better for the environment and our health. By making a…

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