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I’ve been holding this half cent coin for years now as a reminder of my recent visit to a local coin shop. The shop owner said “you’ve been holding this for so long, what is your story?” I said “well I’ve been holding it for so long it’s about to be gone forever”.
Ive been holding this coin for years now, my friend.
The half cent coin is a Canadian coin with a half cent in the middle of it. It is the oldest coin known to be minted in Canada, dating back to 1873. It was originally a commemorative coin but due to inflation, the coin has a face value of only one cent. It is still used as a store owner discount, but it is still sold at the store. It is also known as the “one cent coin” because it has the same denomination of a cent.
The half cent coin was introduced back in 1873 and is a relic of Canada’s struggle to keep its currency afloat and preserve its unique Canadian history. People in the 1800s were able to buy and sell goods and services at only a quarter of a cent, and the half cent coin is only worth one cent. As a result the coin is still used to store money in the store.
Half cent coins are still used to hold money in the store.
The Canadian half cent coin is the only one of its kind in the world, and the half cent coin is also the only one that was still circulating prior to the introduction of the standard dollar in the late 1800s. I’ve often wondered why half cents are so hard to get nowadays. It could be that the half cent coin is only worth one cent, or maybe, it just hasn’t been made for over a century.
This is because it has never really been made for over a century. It’s actually been around since 1870, but the half cent coins were first introduced in the late 1800s. This is why it never really became popular with people.
The half cent coin is actually made up of a copper piece and a nickel piece. Most of the coin has a standard 6-cent piece, but some of the coins have a slightly more generous piece that is worth about a penny. Like a quarter, the half cent coin is really just a nickel and a copper piece, but it also has a small silver piece to it. You can see a picture of a half cent coin in this video.
We live in a society where we’re taught to distrust the media, so the half cent coin may not be the best example of that. But I’m not sure if anyone has ever had any trouble getting their half cent coin back! It’s a little pricey, but if you’re trying to get a half cent back from a vending machine, it’s probably worth it. As for the nickel piece, it was originally made of copper, but now it’s made of nickel.
Its probably just a case of a nickel and a half. Its a little expensive, but if you dont mind spending it, its worth it.