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A few weeks ago, I went to a wedding in my area and, even before the ceremony, I knew I wanted to order some wedding bands. I was in such a hurry that I had no time to take pictures to try and capture the entire thing. I also had no idea who the bride or the groom were. I had just started an online shopping website and I could only find a bunch of rings that I loved.
So I called up a friend and asked if I could get a sample. I explained I wanted to buy a bunch of rings but I had no idea what kind that I was going to get. She said, “Jared, do you have any sort of wedding bands you’re interested in?” And I said, “No, I don’t. I’ve only just started looking.
For the time being, I guess that means I had no idea who the bride and groom were either. I will say though that this does make me feel a bit better about my own choices, because it means that these two guys are probably really cool, not just that Jared is a cool guy.
We all know that Jared is the groom in this movie, but we don’t know if he’s even married. The wedding band is just that. A band that you get if you get married. The only way to get a wedding band is by buying one from the bride/groom.
The band is actually part of a series of rings that you can get if you buy one of the other rings that are part of the series. These rings are the most expensive. Jared wants to get married to a woman named Beth, but doesn’t have the money to buy the ring. He instead buys the band, and it magically appears in his pocket.
Jared has a lot of money, but he wants to get married to a woman named Beth. He has, however, no idea where she is. We don’t know if she is alive or dead, or if she can get a new job, or if she just wants to be left alone.
Jared is the main character — the main reason we know how to play this game. His name is Jared and he wants to marry Beth. The problem is he doesn’t know where she is. Or that she even exists. He has no idea where to go to find the information he needs to find her. And he doesn’t know if she is alive or dead. And he doesn’t know if she can get a new job, or if she is just left alone.
It’s a shame because the game has a pretty strong narrative and this trailer is just a cute little romp.
I’m not a big fan of the ‘bride-and-groom’ idea in games — it’s a very cliche idea. But in Deathloop, it seems that Jared and Beth aren’t just making out — they’re actually getting married. And on the wedding day, Beth is suddenly given the power to have her love life end with her death. Jared is supposed to be the one to rescue Beth, but he’s just a guy on a quest to do the right thing.
This is one of those “if it’s not broken don’t fix it” games. The whole plot is about letting go of someone we care about and realizing that we don’t have a choice in the matter. The game even shows a sadder but perhaps more interesting side of this idea, in which a character can choose to die in a way that she’s truly unhappy with.