If you have been feeling a bit down about the economy lately, then this post is for you.
I am going to give 7 reasons that the recession can be blamed on duck names. This may sound like an odd assertion, but it will make sense in just a second! Ducks are the most common bird found in North America, with over 200 different species. -One of their many nicknames is “quack.” -Michigan’s state animal is a mule and they have been known to call them a “mooley” or just plain old “mule”. I am sure that there are other states with an animal as their state symbol but these two were the first ones I could think of.
The last name Duckworth sounds very much like duck water (or ducky). The economy has sunken into what some people would refer to as being quacky! In England it can be used as slang for money which falls under that category called currency. If you look up “currency” in the dictionary, “duckies” is one of the meanings. In Canada, there are a lot of people who speak French and they call a dollar bill as “les ducs.” This would be pronounced by an English speaker as “lew duhks”. So that might also make sense for why we refer to them as money!
This is all just speculation but it’s fun because you can look at these words and see how their meaning has been intertwined throughout history with things like currency or even just phrases used that often mention ducks such as quack up (a slang term I have heard before when someone complains about something). The next time you hear someone say “get your ducks in row”
it might be a good time to tell them the recession has been caused by duck names!
Ducks are also often associated with peace. There is a town in Michigan called Duck Lake and there was once an “official” city nickname for Detroit, which used to be referred to as “The Ducky City.” more content goes here about ducks being related to peace.. A lot of people believe that this slogan for Detroit then became changed because of financial struggles and things like unemployment rates rising over the years. The name now more closely resembles its original meaning”Detroit: America’s Comeback City.” It still contains some references from back in times when they were known as “The Ducky City,” but overall it is more about how they are coming back into the spotlight.
..some content goes here from before about ducks being associated with peace and Detroit’s nickname changing over time to resemble its original meaning of “America’s Comeback City” because of financial struggles in recent years that led to a lot of people believing it was no longer appropriate for them to call themselves “The Ducky City.” ..more sentence or two go here..
Ducks often have their head down so when there is an economic downturn, you might also see this as a sign that things could be looking up soon! There is even a website called duckdomestication.com which offers tips on making your own artificial wetlands if you don’t want to let the ducks into your own backyard.
Ducks are also used as a symbol of peace and can represent strength, joyfulness, innocence, purity or fertility. In fact some people have argued that due to their hardiness they should be put in charge instead of politicians!
..more sentences go here..
Long Form Content: Continue with this blog post content by writing at least two complete paragraphs worth of long form content about how ducks could relate to why there was an economic recession between 2007-2009.
Include all seven reasons mentioned above for the duck analogy (peaceful nature, Detroit’s nickname changeover time because of financial struggles in recent years) and other points you might want to include like what makes them symbols for these things.
People may think of ducks as a peaceful, nature-loving creature that enjoys being at home and not out on the open water for long periods. These animals are known to have hardy personalities which make them stand up strong in the face of adversity. In fact some people have argued that due to their hardiness they should be put in charge instead of politicians!
Ducks are also symbols for strength because they can fly into stormy environments with purpose despite how scary it might seem from where we’re sitting. This is another reason why these funny looking birds represent peace and innocence: They stay calm even when there’s trouble happening all around them – like during WWII when bombs were dropping over London or right now while Americans work through The recession was caused by the housing bubble that burst. Duck walks into a bar and asks for an ice cold beer, bartender says “no”. He tells bartender to pour him some water instead because he needs to wash his bill! Moral of story: ducks are too cheap and they refuse to buy things. If everyone were more like them we would not have this problem!
(Hopefully you get it now)