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This summer has been full of travel, family, and weddings. We had the pleasure of attending the wedding of our friend’s son’s 55th birthday. We had a beautiful ceremony and reception at the beautiful downtown Hilton.
Our family is one of those families that has an active social life, so we were there to see our sons’ 50th wedding anniversary. We are so lucky to have them in our lives, so happy to see them have such a great time in the city and in each other! All the kids got to experience the music and the dancing as well as the beautiful city.
Yes. There is a lot of pressure on parents to have a “perfect” wedding. And that’s why I think it’s important to spend some time in the planning and preparation process. We had a lovely and meaningful evening with the entire family.
The fact is, with the exception of me, all the family in the picture are in their 20’s and 30’s and I think that is something that we all should strive for. To be married at 55, that is the sweetest age for me. I am so happy we all got to have a great time together.
As a newly married couple myself, I am so pleased that we had a wonderful event. I don’t think there is a one-to-one correlation between how great a wedding you have and how happy your wedding day was. It’s all about the content of the day. So when my husband and I decided to have a simple but meaningful wedding, I knew it would be a lot of fun. And it was.
The day my wedding was, I was so exhausted. I was so sore from the day before. I had a hard day of work. But I am so proud of our love and our love for each other. So happy that we were able to celebrate our love.
I’m happy for my fiancé’s 55th wedding anniversary. She’s been through a lot and it was so much fun to celebrate this anniversary with her. And a couple other things are good too: the wedding dress was beautiful and I love how the flowers were so fresh and colorful.
The dress was beautiful, but I was a little worried that I might have to shave my head. But it was worth it. The flowers were gorgeous and the cake was a must. It was nice to meet other couples and get to know them. I had a very special moment with the other couple. I thought they were the cutest couple I had ever seen. And it was a wonderful day.
And a little weird, but that’s ok. You never know what will happen. I mean, we all get married.
Not exactly. People say that there is no such thing as a one-night stand with someone you love. That’s not true, though. There are plenty of one-night stands you can have with people you don’t like. There are other people you can have sex with if you’re not afraid to be alone together (as opposed to with someone you’re married to).