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If you want to know how you’ll be remembered, just check out the date you were born. Most people are born on a weekday. If you want to know when it is, check out the day of the week.
It’s not just the date that can be used to remember something. If you want to know the date of your death, take a look at the day when you were born. This is the day you were born, so you can use it not only to know the date, but also the time of your death.
I don’t think that’s a coincidence either. It’s a little ironic that the anniversary of my birth is on the same day I’m dying. You might think that’s just weird, but I don’t think it’s weird. This is because I was born on a Wednesday. So I was born on my birthday. It’s not weird at all. If you want to know the date of your death, you should always check out the date you were born.
So, when I was born, I was born in my mother’s womb. And when I died, I was born in my mother’s womb. Those are two completely different places. It is also a little ironic that when you die, it is your mother’s body that is present with you, and your father’s body is present with you when you’re born. So in two different places at the same time. When you say this is weird, I think its fine.
Well, it also proves my point. You never know when you will die. When you die, you are born, but you are not born at exactly the same time as when you are actually born. It is also a little ironic that when you die, your mother is present with you, but your father is present with you, when you are born. So in two different places at the same time.
And that is when things get weird. Because the moment you are born, you enter your mother’s womb and get born. So you are in your mother’s womb when you are born, but you are not born at exactly the same time as you are actually born. One minute you are born, the next minute your mother is present with you, but your father is present with you. We will learn that in a few minutes.
This was the moment we got the most excited about. It was a 45th wedding anniversary and we were in our mothers womb. In a way it was perfect because this is the moment we get to experience everything that happened in our lives before we were born. It’s just you, your mother, and your father. It’s like your parents just decided to take a vacation together, and they went to the same place, same time, and it was perfect because everything was just right.
We can’t wait for you to open a door that has a note that says “Welcome to the real world”. We can’t wait for you to be born. There’s a new game out that we’re really excited about, and we really wish you’d be a part of it.
It was a very special moment for us.
I know, I know, it doesn’t make sense. I suppose I just needed to get it off my chest, but the fact you had to say that is a little weird. A lot of people that have kids are really good about letting you know that they love you and all, but sometimes they forget. I really hope you do as well, because you know what? I know that I love you and all, and I hope you do as well.