26 Parenting Blogs and Magazines That Pay Freelance Writers

If you have photos or leads for photos, please pass that information along as early in the writing process as possible. • If you have not written for us before, include 2-3 writing samples along with your query. Links to online stories are preferable, but PDFs are ok too.

Each week on the blog I publish one in-depth article. To make the article more readable please include subheadings and spaced out paragraphs. Welcome to Teach.Workout.Love, (T.W.L), a Working Mom Blog Community for all busy moms and milspouses. Use spell check and Yoast SEO to help with the editing. As a reminder, no more than 20 words in a sentence – they tend to not pass the readability test.

We are on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram as Grown and Flown and we share each post we publish across most of these platforms. If you are on social media, please tell us where we can find you. If we publish your post, please share your writing from Grown and Flown across your social media and tag us so we can engage with your readers.

At the bottom of each post we’ll display your 1-2 sentence bio, photo and links back to your website (yeah baby!). In short, we’re looking for funny, honest, smart, creative parents with strong writing and grammar skills that have a tale to tell. We would LOVE to share your story with our Beneke community.

A healthy pregnancy will often not result in the birth of a healthy baby. Pregnant moms need experienced guest authors on this subject to remind them of the items required when expecting a baby. Regular visits to the doctor are a must now as the baby’s coming draws closer. Now the moms-to-be will begin to feel a renewed surge of energy and an increase in appetite.

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